NEET UG 2024: MCC Allows Counselling Round 1, 2 Students to Resign Seats 

Candidates who wish to leave their round-1 or round-2 seats can do so by 5 PM on October 1, 2024, according to the official notification. The Medical Counseling Committee (MCC) conducts NEET UG counseling annually in four stages for 15% All India Quota (AIQ) seats in MBBS and BDS programs offered by government and private medical and dental colleges.

The MCC has allowed candidates who were allotted seats in the first two rounds of NEET UG Counseling 2024 to resign. Those interested in resigning their seats must do so before October

1. The committee made this decision as published on the official MCC website after receiving requests from multiple undergraduate students. The notification stated, "Candidates who desire to leave their round-1 or round-2 seat can do so up to 5 PM of 01.10.2024."

 Rules for Resigning Counselling Seats 1.

Round 1 NEET UG candidates who did not upgrade in round 2 can resign without any penalty to their security deposit, provided they do so within the resignation deadline.

2. Freshly allotted candidates in round 2 who accepted their seat but now wish to resign may vacate their seat with a penalty of their security deposit, as long as they do so by October 1.

3. Medical aspirants upgraded in round 2 who joined their upgraded seat but now want to resign may also vacate their seat with the forfeiture of their security deposit, provided they resign by the deadline.

Candidates must generate their resignation letter online through the MCC portal, and the allotted college must issue it. Failure to provide the letter will render the resignation request null and void. Additionally, candidates need to report physically to their allotted college to complete the seat resignation process.

The MCC announced the NEET UG round 2 seat allotment result on September 19, 2024. The deadline to report to the allotted colleges is September 27, following an updated schedule due to the addition of new seats approved by the National Medical Commission (NMC). MCC conducts NEET UG counseling in four stages for 15% AIQ seats in MBBS and BDS programs offered by government and private medical and dental colleges.

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