KEA Announces NEET 2024 2nd Round Counselling Dates and Instructions

KEA Releases NEET 2024 2nd Round Counselling Schedule, Guidelines for Candidates Karnataka: The Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) has released the schedule for the NEET UG 2024 second-round counseling process.

This includes the selection of choices, fee payment, submission of original documents, and reporting to colleges for candidates allotted seats through NEET UG 2024.

Candidates are advised to retain their seats, even if they are not reflected in the seat matrix, as they may have a chance to secure a better seat through the options they’ve entered.

Counselling Schedule

S.No Particulars Date and Timings
1 Display of seat matrix (Choice 3, Choice 4, Forfeited, Cancelled, newly added if any.) 08-09-2024 after 11:00 am
2 Payment of Caution Deposit of Rs.1,00,000/- (Rs.50,000/- for SC/ST candidates) 09-09-2024 to 11-09-2024 during banking hours
3 Rearrangement of options - modify/delete/reorder options From 2:00 pm on 08-09-2024 to 11-09-2024 up to 2:00 pm
4 Publication of second round seat allotment provisional results To be announced later
5 Publication of second round seat allotment final results To be announced later

Consequential vacancies from the second round will also be offered in the same round. Caution Deposit Instructions Eligible candidates who exercised Choice-2 (paid fees), Choice-3, or did not receive a seat in the first round are allowed to re-order their options between 08-09-2024 and 11-09-2024. To participate in the second round, candidates must pay a caution deposit of Rs. 1,00,000/- (Rs. 50,000/- for SC/ST candidates) from 09-09-2024 to 11-09-2024.

Failure to pay this deposit will disqualify the candidate from the second-round seat allotment. If a candidate is allotted a seat, the caution deposit will be adjusted against the fees. However, if they fail to pay the remaining fees or do not report to the college, the deposit will be forfeited, and they must pay the full first-year fee to KEA as per the rules.

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